Privacy Policy_

1. Terms of Use

The information I provide on my website and in any other form of communication (such as social media) is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but as I am only human too, there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. All information provided on and taken from this blog is at your own risk.

2. Copyright Policy

All illustrations and photographs on this website are created by me, unless otherwise stated. I am the legal copyright holder of all material on my blog, and you cannot use any to reprint or publish without my written consent. After consent, the particular content must have a visible hyperlink to this site. You can share and use recipes, but please also put in a link to the concerning page.

3. Hold Harmless

All the information provided on my blog is for entertainment purposes only. I am not providing medical, legal or other profession advice. For any health issues or concerns, I strongly recommend you to consult a doctor, dietitian, therapist or other professional in that specific field.

4. Privacy Statement

I do not sell any of your personal or contact information to another company. Neither will I put your information on spam lists. I am however not responsible for the privacy practices of any of the commenters on my blog.

5. Rights Reserved

I reserve the right to change the focus of this blog, for example to shut it down, sell it, or to change the terms of use at my own discretion.

6. Organisations

I am not responsible for the actions of the organisations, brands, companies or individuals (hereafter ā€˜organisationsā€™) I recommend or provide information of in my texts. In case you have any problems with a mentioned organisation, you must take action with them ā€“ not me. Also, my website contains my opinions that not necessarily reflect the opinions of any organizations I am affiliated with. I do not make official statements on behalf of
any organisation.

7. Letters to the Editor

I try my very best to read all the letters, messages, and e-mails that you send to me. However, please keep in mind that I receive lots ā€“ I could have overlooked a comment or am unable to respond to all of you in case Iā€™m overwhelmed. My sincere apologies in case that happens.


Your comments will be shown in the comments section and kept on this blog. I reserve the right to delete any comment without notice, whether that be abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments. I also hold the right to shorten lengthy comments.

You retain the ownership of your comments. I do not own them and I disclaim all liability that may result from them. Therefore I am not responsible for the content of other commenters. By commenting on this website, you agree that you retain all ownership rights, and that you will relieve me from any liability that may result from it. I retain the right to store, use, display, publish, reproduce and distribute your comments, letters, messages and e-mails in any format, including but not limited to a blog, book or column.

Thank you for your understanding.

Brenda de Groot