Brenda de Groot expositie VeggieWorld 2020 Nederland

Smashing Pigletsinstructions for desctruction

So God created man in His own image
in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them.

And God blessed them;
and God said unto them:

‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it;
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.’

– Genesis 1:27-28, King James Version









Once upon a time there was

a government employee sitting at his desk.

Perhaps a cup of coffee.
Perhaps a picture of his family.



Another report to write today.


His fingers type the words.


Protection of animals


That sounds nice
must feel nice
to write



A sigh.
A sip of coffee.


The fingers continue to type.





Article 2: Definitions (c) ‘animal’ means any vertebrate animal, excluding reptiles and amphibians; 

Killing, again.





Restraining equipment, gas and slaughterhouse.


Non-penetrative captive bolt device.

Maceration. Brain and skull.


Shackling and hoisting and bleeding of live animals
Immediate crushing of the entire animal
                Severe and irreversible damage of the brain provoked by the
shock and the penetration of one or more projectiles 


No person shall kill by manual cervical dislocation or percussive blow to the head more than seventy animals per day.

Thank God.


Table 1 —   Mechanical methods




Conditions of use

Key parameters

Specific requirements for certain methods — Chapter II of this Annex


Penetrative captive bolt device

Severe and irreversible damage of the brain provoked by the shock and the penetration of a captive bolt.

Simple stunning.

All species.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Position and direction of the shot.

Appropriate velocity, exit length and diameter of bolt according to animal size and species.

Maximum stun to stick/kill interval(s).

Not applicable.


Non-penetrative captive bolt device

Severe damage of the brain by the shock of a captive bolt without penetration.

Simple stunning.

Ruminants, poultry, rabbits and hares.

Slaughter only for ruminants.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations for poultry, rabbits and hares.

Position and direction of the shot.

Appropriate velocity, diameter and shape of bolt according to animal size and species.

Strength of the cartridge used.

Maximum stun to stick/kill interval(s).

Point 1.


Firearm with free projectile

Severe and irreversible damage of the brain provoked by the shock and the penetration of one or more projectiles.

All species.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Position of the shot.

Power and calibre of the cartridge.

Type of projectile.

Not applicable.



Immediate crushing of the entire animal.

Chicks up to 72 hours and egg embryos.

All situations other than slaughter.

Maximum size of the batch to be introduced.

Distance between the blades and speed of rotation.

Measure to prevent overloading.

Point 2.


Cervical dislocation

Manual or mechanical stretching and twist of the neck provoking cerebral ischemia.

Poultry up to 5 kg live weight.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Not applicable.

Point 3.


Percussive blow to the head

Firm and accurate blow to the head provoking severe damage to the brain.

Piglets, lambs, kids, rabbits, hares, fur animals and poultry up to 5 kg live weight.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Force and location of the blow.

Point 3.


Table 2 —   Electrical methods




Conditions of use

Key parameters

Specific requirements of Chapter II of this Annex


Head-only electrical stunning

Exposure of the brain to a current generating a generalised epileptic form on the electro-encephalogram (EEG).

Simple stunning.

All species.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Minimum current (A or mA).

Minimum voltage (V).

Maximum frequency (Hz).

Minimum time of exposure.

Maximum stun-to-stick/kill interval(s).

Frequency of calibration of the equipment.

Optimisation of the current flow.

Prevention of electrical shocks before stunning.

Position and contact surface area of electrodes.

Point 4.


Head-to-Body electrical stunning

Exposure of the body to a current generating at the same time a generalised epileptic form on the EEG and the fibrillation or the stopping of the heart.

Simple stunning in case of slaughter.

All species.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Minimum current (A or mA).

Minimum voltage (V).

Maximum frequency (Hz).

Minimum time of exposure.

Frequency of calibration of the equipment.

Optimisation of the current flow.

Prevention of electrical shocks before stunning.

Position and contact surface area of electrodes.

Maximum stun-to-stick interval(s), in case of simple stunning(s).

Point 5.


Electrical waterbath

Exposure of the entire body to a current generating a generalised epileptic form on the EEG and possibly the fibrillation or the stopping of the heart through a waterbath.

Simple stunning except where frequency is equal to or less than 50 Hz.


Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Minimum current (A or mA).

Minimum voltage (V).

Maximum frequency (Hz).

Frequency of calibration of the equipment.

Prevention of electrical shocks before stunning.

Minimising pain at shackling.

Optimisation of current flow.

Maximum shackle duration before the waterbath.

Minimum time of exposure for each animal.

Immersion of the birds up to the base of the wings.

Maximum stun-to-stick/kill interval(s) for frequency over 50 Hz(s).

Point 6.

Table 3 —   Gas methods




Conditions of use

Key parameters

Specific requirements of Chapter II of this Annex


Carbon dioxide at high concentration

Direct or progressive exposure of conscious animals to a gas mixture containing more than 40 % carbon dioxide. The method may be used in pits, tunnels, containers or building previously sealed.

Simple stunning in case of slaughter of pigs.

Pigs, mustelids, chinchillas, poultry except ducks and geese.

Slaughter only for pigs.

Other situations than slaughter for poultry mustelids, chinchillas, pigs.

Carbon dioxide concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Maximum stun-to-stick interval(s) in case of simple stunning.

Quality of the gas.

Temperature of the gas.

Point 7.

Point 8.


Carbon dioxide in two phases

Successive exposure of conscious animals to a gas mixture containing up to 40 % of carbon dioxide, followed when animals have lost consciousness, by a higher concentration of carbon dioxide.


Slaughter, depopulation and other situations

Carbon dioxide concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Quality of the gas.

Temperature of the gas.

Not applicable.


Carbon dioxide associated with inert gases

Direct or progressive exposure of conscious animals to a gas mixture containing up to 40 % of carbon dioxide associated with inert gases leading to anoxia. The method may be used in pits, bags, tunnels, containers or in buildings previously sealed.

Simple stunning for pigs if the duration of exposure to at least 30 % of carbon dioxide is of less than 7 minutes.

Simple stunning for poultry if the overall duration of exposure to at least 30 % of carbon dioxide is of less than 3 minutes.

Pigs and poultry.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Carbon dioxide concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Maximum stun-to-stick/kill interval(s) in case of simple stunning.

Quality of the gas.

Temperature of the gas.

Oxygen concentration.

Point 8.


Inert gases

Direct or progressive exposure of conscious animals to a inert gas mixture such as Argon or Nitrogen leading to anoxia. The method may be used in pits, bags, tunnels, containers or in buildings previously sealed.

Simple stunning in case of the slaughter of pigs.

Simple stunning for poultry if the duration of exposure to anoxia is of less than 3 minutes.

Pigs and poultry.

Slaughter, depopulation and other situations.

Oxygen concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Quality of the gas.

Maximum stun-to-stick/kill interval(s) in case of simple stunning.

Temperature of the gas.

Point 8.


Carbon monoxide (pure source)

Exposure of conscious animals to a gas mixture containing more than 4 % of carbon monoxide.

Fur animals, poultry and piglets.

Other situations than slaughter.

Quality of the gas.

Carbon monoxide concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Temperature of the gas.

Points 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.


Carbon monoxide associated with other gases

Exposure of conscious animals to a gas mixture containing more than 1 % of carbon monoxide associated with other toxic gases.

Fur animals, poultry and piglets.

Other situations than slaughter.

Carbon monoxide concentration.

Duration of exposure.

Temperature of the gas.

Filtration of the gas produced from engine.

Point 9.

Table 4 —   Other methods




Conditions of use

Key parameters

Specific requirements of Chapter II of this Annex


Lethal injection

Loss of consciousness and sensibility followed by irreversible death induced by the injection of veterinary medicines.

All species.

Other situations than slaughter.

Type of injection.

Using approved medicines.

Not applicable.


I wonder

What does he think about the words he wrote

about the direct objects

in his sentences

being subjects

of a life


I wonder

Do the phrases create images in his mind

Do they haunt him in his sleep

Killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing killing

Word count: 84

And I wonder

Does he ponder

     about our human society

What has become

of us



Or is this just another fruitful day at the office

to He him



in the image of God created.